Hello world!

Hello world!
This country girl’s family: The Misplaced Redneck, me, The Middle Child, The Girl Child and My Man.
The best family photo EVER! It’s very “us”… everyone going a different direction. This is my heart.

Allow me to introduce myself…

Hello! My name is Cristy. I’m “This Country Girl.” Welcome to my life!

My life has been changed in many ways recently. Let’s begin with how I’ve come to be back home in Oklahoma.

I grew up in a military family. My parents always talked about retiring in Oklahoma. The last base my dad was assigned to was Scott AFB, Illinois. My parents bought their first house in a town nearby. We’d always lived on base previously. They loved the little town, the base had a hospital and commissary, and they loved their home. When my dad retired they decided to stay there. I lived nearby and they loved being Ma and Pa to my three kids.

Flash forward to my dad having health problems… As I said, I lived nearby and was glad to be there to help my mom out. When my dad passed away in 2010 he was buried at Ft. Gibson National Cemetery in Oklahoma. My mom gave herself a year to make a decision about moving to Oklahoma. She decided to stay in Illinois. I decided I was staying there too.

Mom was my best friend. As she got older my husband and I did her shopping for her and took care of things around the house. I was there when she’d be in the hospital and I was there when she got home. Sadly, in 2018 I lost my mom. She was buried with dad in Oklahoma.

After I settled mom’s estate I was ready to move to Oklahoma. I once again wanted to be near my parents and the rest of the family.

My children and I always dreamed of having a family “compound” where everyone could live on the same property. We talked about it so much that it seemed like it really existed out there somewhere! I found it in the form of 24 acres out in the country. The realtor told me it wasn’t even technically a town. I had to wait for the 911 operator to give me an address to find out where I lived!

I now live in Castle, Oklahoma with my husband, daughter, six dogs and two ducks. My boys are in the Navy. One day they’ll join us out here.

I developed a seizure disorder about a year ago. They don’t happen often, almost not at all lately. That impacted my life in a big way. I was no longer going to be working at the job I lined up before moving here. I was now going to be a stay at home mom, homeschooling my teenaged daughter. It was an adjustment, but I LOVE THIS LIFE!

I love cooking! I love taking pictures! I love my property!

That’s my story. I hope you’ll join me on my new adventures. I’ll share some recipes for some great food and I’ll share all the projects I’ve got going on at the compound.

Thanks for stopping by!